Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cellphone Blockers

Have you ever been in a restaurant and a guy next to you is talking on his cellphone driving you insane? Been in a theater and someones cellphone starts ringing?

First, let's be clear on the this subject. Active cellphone blocking is illegal in the United States just as much it is jamming it down someones throat.

Now, what is the legal justification for the ban on active blocking?
The FCC says that using a jammer is considered "theft" of airwaves, because that spectrum has been allocated as property to a commercial entity. Read Communications Act of 1934,. See 47 U.S.C. Sections 301, 302a, 333.

One might ask about the passive blocking. Let's first ask ourselves what is passive blocking. Passive blocking simply prevents your signal to get to your cellphone. Surrounding a room with the material that blocks signal its legal. No one can tell you not to wrap your house in steel mesh or chicken wire. You might look a bit crazy but it works.

What about windows? On EMF Safety Superstore website you can buy
aluminized Mylar thin film is specially designed for window applications and provides certified 99% shielding at cell phone (900 MHz) frequencies.

I will not post links to the sites that sell illegal active cellphone jammers. I like to follow the law and I really don't like to deal with mean lawyers.

Nevertheless, cellphone usage in inappropriate places can be annoying. The only suggestion I can offer is be considerate to other people. Bad karma will catch up with you if you are not. Klem

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