Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SMS and Farming

Farming has gone high tech in the last few decades. Soil analyzers, GPS positioning and satellite imaging among others, have all been used to increase the yiellds.

Now Text messaging is starting to be used as well

Farmers in parts of central Queensland can now receive their local weather details sent via text message. In a new project in the Gindi farming area, a network of 13 automated weather stations has been established to gather data for grower use. The stations measure temperature, relative humidity and wind speed.

MESSAGEbuzz has began working with KC Enterprises, an irregation automatization company that provides irrigation systems to farmers. We have enabled their systems to send a text message to their field operatives, whenever the systems reports loss of water pressure, loss of signal, etc.

I see a huge potential in enabeling any type of monitoring device with SMS capabilities. - Klem

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