Tuesday, May 15, 2007

US Presidential Politics

Hillary Clinton has launched a mobile-to-mobile text-message campaign in an effort to reach more of America’s cell phone users.

"By harnessing the power of text messaging, we can engage voters in the political process using the latest technology and provide personalized, local campaign updates to our supporters nationwide.”, according to the statement from her campaign

While MESSAGEbuzz is not the service provider working with her, we have helped both political and grassroots campaigns in the past. For more information on MESSAGEbuzz's expertize in constructing and integrating text messaging into an overall political campaigns visit MESSAGEbuzz and request the information.

If you read my previous posts, I believe that Ms. Clinton, has tapped into something very powerful. The question remaining is: Will her text messaging campaign be properly and successfully integrated into her overall campaign strategy?


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