Monday, March 26, 2007

Cellphone mobile web adds

The next time you check a cell phone's Internet weather report on a cold and rainy day and see ads for umbrellas and Caribbean vacations, it might not be a coincidence, reports News & Observer.

The announcement of this "weather-triggering" technology is expected at the CTIA Wireless industry show in Orlando, Fla.

I think that this type of advertising will be a positive development for the mobile web.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

FCC finally gets something right

I am not the biggest fan of FCC but today I actually agree with them

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said Thursday that he has asked the commission to end its inquiry into whether mobile phones can be used safely on airplanes

The FCC's proceeding to lift the ban on mobile phones, launched in December 2004, also drew comments from thousands of passengers who supported the ban.

Just a thought of someone sitting next to me and yapping on a phone for three hours makes me want to drive, bike, walk or crawl, regardless how long would it take me. Thank you FCC.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Cell Phones as Debit Cards

Belgian firm Banksys specializing in electronic payments, said on Tuesday, that within a few months, customers will be able to use their cell phones as debit cards.

"Using text messaging, the payment system will allow consumers to pay anything from six euros up to the limit of their bank account" said Chief Executive Vincent Roland.

Also, in what is being touted as a world first, Kenya's biggest mobile operator is allowing subscribers to send cash to other phone users by text message, The Guardian reports.

Known as M-Pesa, or mobile money, the service is expected to revolutionize banking in a country where more than 80% of people are excluded from the formal financial sector.

I believe financial sector in the US, is huge, and so far unrealized opportunity for mobile technology, as well as financial sector companies.

Donations, small payments, deposit and payment alerts are just a few ideas that could be implemented. However, due to costs and regulations, donations payments and money transfers might be hard to established.

I really want to buy my morning paper and coffee by sending a text message.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Amnesty International Launches a Mobile Phone Service

Amnesty International USA has launched its own branded cell-phone service, Amnesty Wireless, running over the Sprint CDMA network.

"Our members want to do all they can to support human rights,"
said Larry Cox, executive director of Amnesty International USA. "But they are also busy people. Amnesty Wireless makes it easier for them to make a difference every day."

Interesting aspect of this is that users can also signup for Citizen Action alerts text messaging service, informing them of urgent human-rights issues that need their support.

I love to see social activism using cell phone technology. In the near future, I will be posting a week long set of articles discussing all aspects of
text messaging in politics.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Web Portals Bet On Cellphones

Mobile web is on the rise.... but is the quality of mobile web on the rise too?

Yesterday, Yahoo said a mobile version of its search service is now available on more than 100 million wireless phones, or 85% of those in the U.S.

Nearly 20% of all mobile users worldwide say they plan to spend more time using the Web with wireless devices this year, according to a survey commissioned by the Online Publishers Association.

About 76% of consumers in the U.S. and Western Europe can access the Web on their mobile devices, though only about a third of them are doing so. The question, apart from data plan prices is why.

Companies try to cram too much information onto their mobile website resulting in slow, unreadable, graphics heavy pages that turn off the user.

Return ratio on mobile web pages is small, precisely because of the poor implementation.

Yes, MESSAGEbuzz, designs, develops and implements mobile website. We are very good at it, precisely because we evaluate our clients needs and consult them on the right amount of information that needs to be on their mobile website.

Big, graphics heavy, bloated mobile websites are my pet peeve. I hate to wait for 3 min. so that company's logo can load. I am gone way before that. - Klem

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

SMS and Education

We are working with WordSmart to deliver "Word of the Day".

"For teens and adults alike, text messages are the most convenient method to receive their 'Word of the Day'." told us WordSmart's Director of eMarketing, Kirk Mackay.

My fearless leader (our CEO), made me sign up for the service. He hopes that my vocabulary will finaly increase past Basic, Cobol and C#. (We love you Steve)

Joking aside, text messaging is being used on campuses all over the United States. MESSAGEbuzz has worked with education organizations before. Campaigns for USC and Neosho County Community College has shown that text messaging can be a powerful communication tool in the student communities.

Now, Cy-nap is hosting a one day conference 27th March at Leeds University focussing on the uses of SMS in the Education sector in the UK.
The conference is designed as a showcase for creative uses of SMS.

When I asked if I could attend, my fearless leader told me that with my limited vocabulary, they would throw me off a campus.

I am reading Wordsmart's word of the day and hoping that I will be able to go next year. - Klem

Monday, March 19, 2007

Coaches turn to SMS to woo recruits

Due to the fact that Wisconsin Badgers lost yesterday, here is my suggestion for a next year:

Buoyed by an NCAA rule change, more football and basketball coaches are text messaging recruits, reports FOX Sports.

"Coaches still send letters and make phone calls, but some say the short messages transmitted from a cell phone or handheld device are more effective than traditional recruiting tools in communicating with prized prospects."

While it was a good season, I really hope that Badgers can get some good recruits next year... Klem

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cellphone Blockers

Have you ever been in a restaurant and a guy next to you is talking on his cellphone driving you insane? Been in a theater and someones cellphone starts ringing?

First, let's be clear on the this subject. Active cellphone blocking is illegal in the United States just as much it is jamming it down someones throat.

Now, what is the legal justification for the ban on active blocking?
The FCC says that using a jammer is considered "theft" of airwaves, because that spectrum has been allocated as property to a commercial entity. Read Communications Act of 1934,. See 47 U.S.C. Sections 301, 302a, 333.

One might ask about the passive blocking. Let's first ask ourselves what is passive blocking. Passive blocking simply prevents your signal to get to your cellphone. Surrounding a room with the material that blocks signal its legal. No one can tell you not to wrap your house in steel mesh or chicken wire. You might look a bit crazy but it works.

What about windows? On EMF Safety Superstore website you can buy
aluminized Mylar thin film is specially designed for window applications and provides certified 99% shielding at cell phone (900 MHz) frequencies.

I will not post links to the sites that sell illegal active cellphone jammers. I like to follow the law and I really don't like to deal with mean lawyers.

Nevertheless, cellphone usage in inappropriate places can be annoying. The only suggestion I can offer is be considerate to other people. Bad karma will catch up with you if you are not. Klem

Friday, March 16, 2007

National Texting Championship.

On March 31st 2007, LG Electronics will be holding a National Texting Championship with the first prize set at $25,000 for the fastest texter.

Context will be held in Hollywood, at Paramount Studios and in New York City, at the Roseland Ballroom.

Contestants must own and use an activated LG enV mobile phone to compete.

In 2002, the mobile network engineer, who lives in Australia, won a similar type of contest by tapping a 160-character message in one minute seven seconds.

The message he tapped out read:

The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human.

When I tried to type the message above I was clocked at 4min 43 sec.

As you can probably imagine, I am not entering the contest - Klem

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fewer Operating Systems for Cellphones

There are dozens of OS behind the 2.5 billion mobile phones in circulation, a situation that has hampered the growth of new services. Anyone that has developed software for cellphones or embedded devices know that the situation is complex to say the least.

Vodafone, the world’s largest mobile phone company in terms of revenue, has been leading a push to limit the number of operating systems, declaring in November that it would eventually sell only phones that ran on Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, Symbian Series 60 or Linux.

“We need to reduce the number of operating systems on phones. I’m not saying bring it down to one, but several. With fewer operating systems, it will be easier for content delivery.”, said Arun Sarin, the Vodafone chief executive.

Not everyone are optimistic. “I don’t see convergence of the operating systems happening anytime soon.” said Fabrizio Capobianco, chief executive of Funambol, an open-source software company based in Redwood City, Calif.

With iPhone coming there will be four. Nevertheless, I think that Vodafone's direction is a correct one. In order to promote open-source as well as commercial mobile device software development (and not mention making my life easier), the limited number of OS would be welcome. Klem

Friday, March 9, 2007

Addiction to Cellphones

Mobile Phone Abusers Anonymous (MPAA) is needed. Probably I should join..... Short post today but I am not home and have a very bad connection.... More on monday... Klem

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Megaphone

The MegaPhone , by SysOpen Digia is 5 feet 7 smartphone which works. It is great promotional item in retail shops, trade shows, conferences and other large events.

MESSAGEbuzz has done some text2screen events and it is part of our offerings.

Just think about that opportunity: Use MegaPhone to text2screen your messages. Now if that is not an attention grabber..... Klem

Friday, March 2, 2007

Windows Mobile 6 SDKs Available

You can download the SDK for touchscreen (Windows Mobile Professional) and non-touchscreen (Windows Mobile Standard) here.

I will be posting more about this SDK in a next few days. Klem

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Get More Bars on your Cellphone

NY Times published a great article about getting stronger cellphone signal. Getting a passive antenna will improve the signal for you and while I am lucky enough that I get a great signal where I live, there have been instances where I had dropped calls, bad reception or no reception at all.

It might be great on a golf course, so nobody can reach me, and my golf partner do not get upset at me when my cell phone goes off in the middle of their swing, but usually I prefer a strong signal.

When choosing your antenna, make sure that your provider and your cellphone will have right frequency. - Klem